Open Science stands for a dialogue between science and the public. This non-profit scientific association is committed to making life science visible, tangible, and understandable, and in doing so enabling you to form your own opinions on topics related to life sciences.
Open Science provides information based on current scientific knowledge and supports the social reflection of the impact of science. This is achieved by organising exciting events and projects, running the Vienna Open Lab (a joint establishment of Open Science and the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology; IMBA), offering materials to design classroom lessons rich in variety and by supporting researchers in science communication.
The association operates independently and has committed itself to scientific integrity. We do not represent any particular opinion on the applications of molecular biotechnology.
Here at Open Science, we cover a large variety of topics relating to life science! We promote an informed dialogue and offer information and opportunities for an exchange between the world of science and the public. A large network of experts with a wide range of expertise and professions support us on our daily endeavours.
On a national level we are involved as members of the Science Center Network; internationally, as members of the European Science Event Association (EUSEA), we collaborate with other members in the field of science communication.
We organise exciting and diverse events and projects, which offer an entry point to topics in genetic engineering or biotechnology.
Our homepage offers science related news, easily understandable information from various branches of biological sciences as well as current events and more.
We can connect you with experts for public talks or interviews and offer help for inquiries regarding specialised scientific topics.
The Vienna Open Lab is the Austria's first hands-on molecular biology lab, where everyone can indulge in their scientific urge and perform experiments theirselves.
We participate in science projects relating to "science and society", such as COSY, CISYNBIO and Value Isobars.
We support students and teachers looking for ideas and materials and offer suggestions to create a stimulating classroom lessons.
We have a vested interested in generating more awareness amongst scientists for responsible conduct with media and actively convey the value of science communication and science engagement.